Values which will be impossible of repetition, strong damask, guaranteed pure Incuts, direct from Ireland, enable us to offer Plain, taped, useful prize 2/3 Sale price, 1/0įrilled taped, usual price 26 Sale price, 20 Veil finished, our own manufacture, built. PILLOW SLIPS, good strong British calico, '1 three-quarter Head, 82 x 92, usual price 22/0 ĭouble Bed. Single died, at x 99, usual! price 18/11 Sale-* price, 14/11 each. Inn- stories in the trade, couple with recent advances, then built are fully 33 per cent. LL'ghcr pi [ton being assured, and the increasing j scarcity of reliable Manchester floods, we strongly advise immediate purchase. Sorted colours Sale prices, 12/0, 15/0, 22/0, all I) can. Jutland Axminster Rugs, various sizes, as. 'wide, usual price 106 Sale price, 16 per yard. Jute Runners, in red and blue mixture only,Ģ0ft. Tliiee,do/.e'ii only to clear Sale price, 15/0 ' Carpet Sweeper (Klccimcll), new shipment, In wide range of designs and colours Sale price, LU. by 36in" very heavy, inīlue, brown, red, and pink these are special value, usual price 6/11 Sale price, 0/0Ĭoir Mats, very heavy, 211. Lift Linolclme same pattern, usual price 22/0 Lent, red and green design, good medium finality, usual price 106 Sale price, 8/11 per ' ' yard.

Twin, wide, usual] price 3/11 Sale price, 2/11 per yard.Ī large table of Remnants of all high-class.įurnishing Fabrics, Nets, Cretonnes, Pop- Tins, at half-price.įLOOR COVERINGS SPECIAL VALUES FLOOR COVERINGS SPECIAL VALUES. White Swiss Muslin, in spots and sprig design, Wide, to-day's price 4/11 Sale price, 2/11 per yard. Light Blue Poplin, fully mercerised, 40in. Sliglitlyshop-^iled Lampshades, to be cleared Printed heavy glut-', in brown and wine - trade, very strong, usual price 106 Sale Iwunucti., a we suitable loose covering, Usual price 10/0 Sale price, 8/11 (per yard. wide, usual price 3/3 Sale price, 2/11 per Ill- pink and green, good for curtains, 32in. wide, usual price 3/11 Sale price, 3/3 per yard. With mauve flowers, a really high-class faille, 31111. 0010.-Hlnek ground Cretonne, tree design, wide, usual price 4/3 Sale price, 376 per yard. 1)71)3.-Hlail and Maine Cretonne, alloverĭesign, 3in. wide, usual price 4/11 hale price, 3/11 per yard. wide, usual price 4/3 Sale price, 2/0 per yard. Or blue ground, with grey and black conventional design, a good loose cover fabric, 36in. Nottingham Curtains, in white, with an alloverĬonventional design and small panels, with shadow lace effect, 00 inches wide, 3 yards long, worth 500 Sale price, 39/0 per pair.Īriston Lace Curtains, in story or white,ĭouble -woven net, centre panel with an all over Moral and stroll design, key patternīorder, with lace edging, SO inches wide, 3 yards long, worth 52/0 Sale price, 30/0 per pair.ĬRETONNES - HEAVY REDUCTIONS. yards long, worth 47/11 Sale price, 35/ per Panel with an allover heavy lace design and wide border to match, CO inches wide, 3. Nottingham Curtains, in white or ivory, centre centre panel with an all-over shadow laceĭesign and small floral border, 51 inches wide, 3 yards long, worth 336 Sale price,

Nottingham Lace Curtains, ivory or white. View for your M1! these Bargains.Ĭovered with a small design, and wide lace borders, 60 inches wide, 31 yards long, worth 32/0 Sale price, 21/0 per pair. Hundreds of pairs await the early shoppers. There's certainly no shortage of Ackman's. Their hunt, hunt, hunt after Curtains, and of the joy at finding-at Ackman's alone Grey say-a wide range of designs and prices. On all sides we hear remarks regarding the ' scarcity of Lace Curtains.